NFTs (Non Funglible Tokens)
NFTs are like collectible trading cards. They can be different or all look the same but each piece one-of-a-kind piece of code, stored and protected on the blockchain. Some people like the art, some like the community and some you like the utility. NFTs 101 for Women Ebook is a short and easy to understand guide to start your NFT journey. No women left behind! WAGMI! That is NFT lingo for “WE ARE ALL GONNA MAKE IT”.
NFTs 101 for Women Paperback $14.99 & Kindle Edition $4.99
NFTs 101, Fashion & The Metaverse - ACCESSORIES COUNCIL
NFTs 101 (English)
Doing Good Fashion (Spanish)
Spot of Solution (Spanish)
Eyes of Fashion (English)
Cripto Es Cultura (Spanish)